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Most companies go through a budgeting and planning exercise at least once a year. Although the process can differ based on company size, line of business or industry, at a minimum, most companies go through an annual process to estimate their revenue and expenses for the following year.

This estimate leads to funding allocation among divisions or departments and business decisions as diverse as entry into new markets, funding for new products or services, additional hiring or planned contraction. The largest expense for most enterprises is the cost of human capital. There are many traditional ways to establish and communicate departmental budgets, but OrgPlus adds two important dimensions: visualization at every level in the organization and advanced, yet simple-to-use modeling capabilities for every manager with budget responsibility.

Budgeting and Planning in OrgPlus

OrgPlus adds important capabilities to your current budgeting and planning process:

OrgPlus makes it easier to plan departmental and project budgets and provides the tools you need to quickly respond to budget or personnel changes. OrgPlus allows you to view existing data sources to retrieve budget information, and lets you perform “what-if” analysis and scenario planning to see how a proposed budget will affect your team. If you oversee multiple budgets, OrgPlus will instantly highlight areas that have a higher-than-planned burn rate, or are otherwise at risk.

Drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy to rearrange teams, change salaries or the number of hours people are expected to work to yield instant answers to questions such as, “Are you going to be over budget?” or “What are you going to do about it?”

Sophisticated publishing and reporting options make it easy to create custom reports on the fly, and share the information with others. Context-sensitive export to Excel makes it easier to model the data, or add additional information; you can also publish your reports and charts to Adobe PDF or PowerPoint.